Equipment 101
Player Gear
Full protective equipment is required to play ice hockey. Chicago Hawks and Phantoms players must wear a red helmet. The following equipment is required for players:
- Red Helmet (HECC certified)
- Mouthguard
- Neck Guard
- Shoulder Pads
- Elbow Pads
- Gloves
- Cup or Pelvic Protector (aka Jock or Jill)
- Hockey Pants (aka Breezers or Shorts)
- Shin Guards
- Hockey Socks
- Hockey Skates
- Ice Hockey Stick

Goalie Gear
Full protective equipment is required to play goalie. The following is required:
- Goalie Mask/Helmet (HECC certified)
- Mouthguard
- Neck Guard
- Chest Protector
- Blocker
- Catch Glove
- Goalie Cup or Pelvic Protector (aka Jock or Jill)
- Goalie Pants
- Knee Pads
- Leg Pads
- Goalie Skates
- Goalie Stick